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Quote of the day: Aqua's design negotiated views with skyline neighbors

“[We] started realizing that the towers are not really just objects in a landscape. Right now, they’re much more clustered, and to get views – especially from lower floors – you really have to negotiate these views between buildings. We started out with this rough idea of a building that would be more like a landscape with contours. Where it bumped out would relate to specific things in the city.”

– Jeanne Gang, of Studio / Gang / Architects, at the USC School of Architecture in Los Angeles.

Gang’s work for Lakeshore East includes not just the 87-story Aqua tower, but also a hotel ballroom and several infrastructure elements. All told, she estimates her firm worked on 1.75 million square feet of space at Lakeshore East.

You can watch a video of Gang’s lecture here (Internet Explorer only, alas), including a bit more on Solstice on the Park. Thanks to ArchitectureChicago Plus for tracking down this item!

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