
Quote of the day: Buyers looking everywhere for value

Buyers in early 2011 are basing their home searches on price ranges and willing to consider all sorts of neighborhoods, says Realtor Eric Rojas. From his latest post at Chicago Real Estate Local:

Sellers take note: We are seeing more an more buyers looking at condos or town houses in their budget in many different neighborhoods. This is particularly true for the $300,000-$500,000 price-point.

For example, we have one set of buyers this weekend looking in a budget of $350,000 to $400,000. We will see a newer townhouse in Near North, a two-flat and duplex in Logan Square, a two-flat in Bucktown and a townhouse in Lincoln Park. Buyers want value and can shift neighborhoods these days to find it.

The one common thread is decent space and transit options. It’s all on the table from there!

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