
Quote: "Creating livable communities does not require extreme measures"

The goal of GO TO 2040 is not to increase density for its own sake, and creating livable communities does not require extreme measures, “central planning,” or any attempt to channel all or even most new growth into multifamily buildings. The plan does not seek to have all future development occur only in high-density areas, and as a region we should avoid simplistic “urban versus suburban” concepts of density. Although compact development and infill are important aspects of reinvestment, walkability, and land use that supports public transit, the region’s rate of population growth dictates that not all development will occur within existing communities. But while some development in currently undeveloped areas will be necessary, those new developments should include features that support livability.

– From the “Challenges and Opportunities” chapter of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s “Go to 2040” comprehensive regional plan for land use and transportation. A draft copy of the plan is open for public comment through Aug. 6.

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