
Quote of the day: "Trump's towering toothpick"

You and I are going to be looking at this prominent pinprick for a very long time. Unfortunately, it’s a one-star piece of skyline stagecraft, a Kmart accessory for an Hermes suit.

The spire is too skinny, too short, and looks vaguely plastic, like something you’d buy in the toy aisle.

Chicago Tribune architecture critic Blair Kamin, skewering the recently-finished spire atop the Trump International Hotel and Tower.

Kamin has been posting construction updates for the 227-foot spire on his Cityscapes blog (previously “Skyline”) since October, and until today he has reported on it with an even hand, waiting until it was finished before telling us how he really feels. This morning, Kamin let loose and revealed his utter contempt for the Trump spire, which he regards as too short, too slender, and too disconnected from the tower below.

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