
Quote of the day: What if…?

…let’s talk turkey. Recently, and from the start of the Olympic bid process, I have heard comments such as, “When we get the bid we will be able to __________ (fill in the blank),” with words or phrases such as, “Hire more people,” “Generate more revenue,” “See more businesses open.” You know what I mean.

There is a 1-in-4 chance we may not get it! Not because the President did not go to Copenhagen, or because we did not present a better plan…it could just be that South America has never hosted the world games. So now what…what’s next?

This CONCERNS me quite a bit; especially when I hear our elected officials throw our economic development eggs into one basket. I expect more of them, and from them. When we speak about…jobs, infrastructure, innovation, expansion, revitalization, and sustainable and renewable ideas; What is their plan if no World Games, and after 2016?

Chicago Association of Realtors Treasurer Mabel Guzman, posting on the CAR blog.

The rest of Mabel’s post might be a little too emotional and rah-rah for my tastes, but she’s right: Builders and agents from Rogers Park to Clearing to Hegewisch seem certain that the Olympics will inject new life into their neighborhoods and businesses. Are the floodgates ready to open? If they do, will the cash behind them flow out in a rush or a trickle? We’ll know a little more in just one week.

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