
Quotes of the day: Architects looking inward

In his latest entry to the Trib’s Skyline blog, Blair Kamin writes that with the number of new building projects dwindling, Chicago architects suddenly have more time on their hands, and they’re using it to “develop skills should emerge stronger when the economy picks up.” More than 40,000 jobs in architectural and engineering services were lost in 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and those that are able to hang on are taking the opportunity to develop new skills and design approaches.

“We see learning as something that can be our competitive advantage.” … “You have a chance to huddle with the coach and talk strategy, so that when you come back, you come back swinging,” she said. “Now is our chance more so than before to focus on building our strength as an organization.”

– Naomi Berkove, the learning and development manager for the Chicago architecture and engineering firm OWP/P

“If they can hang in there through this slow time and stay up to date, we’ll have a more skilled and proficient profession.”

– Deborah Pierce, chairwoman of the American Institute of Architects‘ small-project practitioners committee

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