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Scenes from ABLA Homes redevelopment, questions for the future

ABLA demolition

Yesterday, the sounds of the wrecking ball pounding away the concrete of this ABLA Homes high-rise could be heard from blocks away. Located near the corner of 13th and Loomis streets, this is the final ABLA building of such stature to meet its demise as part of a redevelopment.

Although this corner of the Near West Side continues to see a spate of new development, the area still has its problems. Between Loomis Street and Racine Avenue, in the low-rise homes pictured below, the Chicago Police seem to have a continual presence, whether in person or through video surveilance. In an area of just four square blocks, we counted at least three Blue Light Specials, proof that fresh new homes don’t always or immediately eradicate decades-long problems with safety.

Low-rise homes, 13th and Loomis

ABLA demolition

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