If you were searching for a River North 2-bedroom with an indoor pool you might start by filtering Craigslist on 2+ BR apartments and typing the following keywords: River North indoor pool. That search, performed late yesterday, returned a flood of bait-and-switch ads – 1,000 of them, all placed yesterday!
Refine your Craigslist search by setting an unrealistic maximum rent of $1,500 and you only get 9 results – all of them, according to the headlines, in Hyde Park. Click on one of those ads, however, and you’ll see what you see in the screen cap above: a complete disconnect between the ad’s headline and its content.
The sleazy techniques used by Chicago’s apartment rental services to pollute Craigslist have a single goal: making you give up searching on your own and frustrating you into using their services. The ad pictured above, and the other 8, were all placed by Luxury Living Chicago, a company whose website tells you its “number one goal is to provide a positive customer experience.”
There’s a much easier, faster, more reliable and less risky way to conduct your search. Use YoChicago’s at-a-glance Near North apartment list and map, and focus on River North. You’ll find links to all of the websites for all of the apartment complexes in the area, and can quickly determine that only 77 W Huron, 320 W Illinois (River North Park) and 469 W Huron (Parc Huron) have indoor pools. The websites have pictures of their pools online. A few phone calls or emails will ascertain what’s available when and at what price. River North Park’s site gives you near real-time availability information and pricing.
If you were paying close attention to its website, you might also have noted that 520 N Kingsbury (Kingsbury Plaza) has indoor access to the two indoor pools at the East Bank Club, which you can join for a fee.
If you want an even easier search you can sign into our YoRents service and broadcast your requirements to participating landlords, who will respond by email if they have something suitable.
If you want to expand your search to condo buildings, you can connect with one of the pre-screened, experienced agents featured at YoRents.