A recent Craigslist apartment search for Streeterville returned 2,500 results – Craigslist’s maximum. Further limiting the search by adding “Chicagoland Property Group” (CPG) – Craigslist’s most prolific apartment ad spammer – returned 755 results. Eliminating CPG ads from the Streeterville search returned 2,351 results. Do the math and there were over 3,000 apartment ads on Craigslist that mentioned Streeterville.
There are only 16 managed apartment buildings in Chicago’s Streeterville neighborhood. You’ll find them all listed at YoChicago’s new Streeterville apartment reviews page, along with video tours of a number of the buildings.
A number of the Streeterville buildings are very diligent about enforcing their “no Craigslist ads from brokers” policy, so you won’t find every Streeterville building in a Craigslist search.
What you will find are rental service ads that are out-of-date, ads replete with misinformation, ads that are pure bait-and-switch, spam ads for properties that are nowhere near Streeterville, and ads run without the written authorization that Illinois law requires for broker ads. You’ll find many ads from rental service agents who’ve never set foot in a Streeterville apartment building. You’ll find ads from brokers who will pressure you into and attempt to lie you into renting at buildings paying the highest commission rate rather than the ones that best suit your needs and budget.
YoChicago’s Streeterville apartment list links to near real-time rent and availability info at 15 of the 16 Streeterville buildings. You’ll get accurate, up-to-date info at the building websites and an overview of the buildings and their locations in our reviews. And you’ll get all that very quickly and with no risk of being scammed by a rental service.
Searching Streeterville apartments on Craigslist is a fool’s errand. We recommend that you work directly with the buildings and skip the rental service brokers and their abusive advertising on Craigslist.