
Seventeen17 apartments in Evanston – major URL marketing fail?

My tendency, and I suspect the tendency of many, is to type the name of an apartment project followed by “.com” when I don’t know its URL, rather than finding it through a Google search. That’s a sensible strategy, since developers often lock up a URL that corresponds to the name of their project.

I know, from Google Analytics, that many people reach YoChicago.com indirectly by typing that exact sequence of letters into a Google search box and clicking on the first item in search results rather than typing YoChicago.com into the URL box at the top of their browser.

If you’re using either of those approaches to finding the website for the new Seventeen17 apartments under construction in Evanston, you’ll get results that are not office-friendly – unless you’re working in the porn industry.

The 175-unit apartment project at 1717 Ridge, pictured above, has progressed two stories toward its eventual 8-story height since the time of our last visit, pictured below.

I haven’t been able to find a website for the Seventeen17 apartment development, which is slated for spring 2013 occupancy – and I’m wondering whether it will undergo a name change prior to opening.

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