Chicago Magazine‘s recent hagiography of the South Loop has helped generate interest in some of the neighborhood’s high-rise developments, according to a couple of sales agents we talked to this week. “The South Loop story in Chicago Magazine has generated buzz,” says Karen Howard, sales manager with Frankel & Giles, which is marketing Michigan Avenue Tower II, 1400 S Michigan Ave. David Wiencek, an @properties agent handling sales at Lexington Park Condominiums, 2138 S Indiana Ave, says he’s seen “a surge” of interest since the story came out.
While it’s not clear that the buzz has translated into sales, both projects appear to be progressing. Michigan Avenue Tower II, developed by Russland Capital Group and designed by Pappageorge / Haymes, is 85 percent sold, with deliveries planned in fall 2008, according to Howard. Lexington Park Condominiums (pictured), from The Chieftan Group and VOA Associates, is 50 percent sold, with deliveries around the late summer or fall of 2008, says Wiencek.