I have to admit that I couldn’t bear to watch the whole thing, although I did manage to skip about through several minutes of this relentlessly “on message” buzzword binge about the redevelopment of the Lathrop Homes.
Here’s the text that introduces the video:
The Lathrop Community in Chicago is on the brink of experiencing a momentous reshaping of its neighborhood, and the Chicago Housing Authority has assembled a prominent, comprehensive, well-respected development team.
As expected, this imminent redevelopment is a sensitive topic of conversation. Therefore, the Chicago Housing Authority has made it a priority to ensure that this paramount project is not being developed behind closed doors. Rather, residents and neighbors of the community have been invited to participate and to get involved in an extensive, open design process. And as this project continues to gain momentum, the community stakeholders will have several opportunities to engage in thoughtful commentary and to offer tactful suggestions.
The Lathrop Community Partners are sensitive to the fact that they have been invited as guests to this neighborhood, and with a project of this magnitude, it will be vitally important for all involved to remain socially, environmentally, and economically responsible. Throughout the entire process, public involvement will be guided by the Lathrop Community Partners. This team has been carefully selected as a diverse, educated, informed, and experienced group of specialists. And they are ready.
So please say hello to the individuals who are leading the way with their creative, strategic, sustainable vision for Chicago’s Lathrop Community. Because this is only the beginning…
Am I misreading this when I find the tone to be haughty and rather contemptuous of the so-called “community stakeholders” who are expected to behave themselves during the process? After all, educated expert specialists will decide which commentary is thoughtful and which suggestions tactful. No Mau-Mauing the flak catchers, folks.
The reality is that any development of this size and complexity, involving this large a cast of characters, has to be driven from the top down, with community input playing only a pro forma, largely irrelevant part, if the project is to result in a viable “community.”
The Lathrop Community Partners development group has impressive accomplishments. Would it build a better product, more economically and expeditiously, without any input from the “community stakeholders?”