Tag: Apartment rental services

Top 5 Reasons to Work with Chicago Apartment Rental Brokers
Some apartment rental brokers, also known as locators or finders, may suggest that it's difficult, time-consuming, and frustrating to find a suita [...]

Free Chicago rental services and great apartment deals
Chicago's piratical rental services would like renters to believe that their services are free. There are renters gullible enough to believe that, [...]

Oscar Wilde’s take on using a Chicago rental service
What Oscar Wilde said about marriage perfectly sums up the experience of using or working for a Chicago rental service and trying a different one if t [...]

Craigslist’s top ten Chicago apartment spammers
Craigslist doesn't allow ads to be posted more than once every 48 hours and prohibits keyword spam, i.e. the use of irrelevant terms in ads to draw at [...]

Lies Chicago rental services tell – nothing in your price range
There are lots of things Chicago's rental services don't want you to know about the way they operate, and we've previously posted on twenty-five o [...]

The smart way to search for South Loop apartments
A search for South Loop apartments on Craigslist will return over 700 new ads each day, almost all of them from Chicago rental services. Many of t [...]

The smartest way to find a Streeterville apartment
A search for Streeterville apartments on Craigslist will return over 500 new ads each day, almost all of them from Chicago rental services. Many o [...]

The smart way to find a River North apartment
A search for River North apartments on Craigslist will return about 1,000 new ads each day, almost all of them from Chicago rental services. Many [...]

Vesta Preferred, where raw rental rookies rate rave reviews
Vesta Preferred bills itself in Craigslist recruiting ads as the "Highest rated Real Estate Company on Yelp."
That statement simply isn't true, [...]

How to tell a Chicago rental service you’re an easy mark
There are lots of ways to signal Chicago rental services a/k/a apartment locators a/k/a apartment finders that you're an easy mark.
The best w [...]

Ask American Realty’s Dan Dantuma about his drug arrests
American Realty's Dan Dantuma had 135 repetitive ads on Craigslist as of mid-morning yesterday. More than 80% of them were for a single apartment, [...]

Know your rights when your apartment is being shown
Some Chicago landlords would like tenants to believe that a clause in the lease they signed waives or limits their right to 2 days' advance notice be [...]

State Street Properties’ amazing Craigslist apartment spam
With just over 2,500 ads, State Street Properties isn't Craigslist's most prolific apartment ad spammer, but it ranks among the worst of them and [...]

Do convicted criminals have keys to your apartment?
A history of criminal convictions, even for felony offenses, isn't enough to bar someone from getting a real estate license in Illinois. We've written [...]

Does Chicagoland Property Group’s Collin Walker deliberately lie on Craigslist?
After having looked at many of Collin Walker's repetitive ads at Craigslist, my considered opinion is that his ads often contain deliberate lies.

River North apartment shootout – Chicagoland Property Group vs YoChicago
We like to think that YoChicago is Chicago's best free rental service. We're an objective, visually rich website with comprehensive apartment revi [...]

Rental services joining Chicago Rental Apartment Partners
Dozens of Chicago's apartment rental services have joined the newly-formed Chicago Rental Apartment Partners, an organization dedicated to raising eth [...]

Get out of Craigslist jail, go direct to Lakeview landlords
If you're looking to rent in Lakeview you can waste countless hours reading 1,000s of repetitive bait-and-switch rental service ads at Craigslist. [...]

Chicago locators looking for losers
Chicago's apartment rental services a/k/a finders a/k/a locators are constantly recruiting new leasing agents.
Who do the firms hire? They mos [...]

Suckers wanted for lucrative career leasing apartments
It's that time of year, kiddies.
Chicago's apartment rental services a/k/a finders a/k/a locators are once again beginning to blitz Craigslist [...]