Tag: Central Station

Should AMLI Evanston be red-faced about its green claims?
Three new apartment projects opened in Evanston last year, and all were designed to achieve some level of LEED certification. Being energy conscio [...]

An update on new Evanston apartments
Three new Evanston apartment complexes are racing toward delivering nearly 500 units this spring, and all appeared to be on schedule when we visit [...]

Construction update – new Evanston apartments
The 214-unit AMLI Evanston is topped out, and appears to be fully enclosed. The brick cladding is being installed on the north end of the building [...]

Construction update – new Evanston apartments
We recently stopped by for a look at three new apartment projects that will add nearly 500 units to the Evanston market next year.
AMLI Evansto [...]

Construction update – Evanston’s Central Station apartments
Some of you may remember the 1700 block of Central Street in Evanston as the site of the former Evanston Theater (pictured above). Some may recall [...]

Museum Park sales center closed; bank taking possession?
The following is from a real estate agent e-mail just forwarded to me:
I just wanted to alert you that any of our realtors have deals at any of [...]

Will spring bring a thaw to One Museum Park?
In case you haven't noticed, the One Museum Park towers are still stuck in a rut.
At the newer of the two towers, the 298-unit One Museum Park [...]

23% below 2008 sale price at One Museum Park
Last week William Wenthen of WDW Properties delisted and relisted a 1,485 square-foot, north-facing condo at One Museum Park, 1211 S Prairie Ave, [...]
One Museum Park East to rent 20 unsold condos
The developers of One Museum Park East, 1211 S Prairie Ave, will rent out about 20 of the building's unsold condos, Crain's reports. Don't expect any [...]

Jones Lang LaSalle seeking investors for future Museum Park high-rises
Those of you who've kept up with the development of Museum Park in recent years should remember the rendering above, which couples the now completed [...]

From the vault: Central Station in 2001
In early 2001, the stock market, which had risen to dizzying heights, fell precipitously. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan moved swiftly to c [...]

Prairie Pointe's auction, sale by sale
As promised, I've put together a spreadsheet outlining every sale from Sunday's auction of (most of) Prairie Pointe's last 13 condos. Scroll down to t [...]

Prairie Pointe condos on the auction block
Did we really make it through January without a single South Loop condo auction? Holy moley, it's time to play catch-up!
The last 13 condos at Gammon [...]

Sales update: Another round of price cuts at 1600 Museum Park
Almost all of the condos still for sale at The Enterprise Companies' 1600 Museum Park, 1629 S Prairie Ave in the South Loop, saw some kind of price [...]

Closings begin at One Museum Park West
The Museum Park sales staff notified me this afternoon that a few homes closed last week at One Museum Park West, 1201 S Prairie Ave, and more will [...]
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