Tag: Collin Walker

Craigslist’s worst apartment ad spammer – less spam but just as toxic
When we began our recent spate of posts on Chicagoland Property Group (“CPG”), back on March 11, twenty-two of the firm’s agents had just over 7,0 [...]

Are all Craigslist ads from the scofflaw-family Walker scofflaw ads?
Chicagoland Property Group’s scofflaw-family Walker is vomiting up about 1,000 fewer active spam ads at Craigslist following our posts on Joi Walk [...]

Cassi Norman and the scofflaw-family Walker, an update
Six members of a single family hold real estate licenses affiliated with Chicagoland Property Group (“CPG”), a firm we’ve singled out as Craiglist [...]

Erin Harper, scofflaw leasing agent at Chicagoland Property Group
Her name is Erin Harper, but we’ll call her “Erring Erin Harper,” because erring seems to be her core competency.
Erring Erin is affiliated wi [...]

Michael Hawks, scofflaw leasing agent at Chicagoland Property Group
Michael Hawks is the second most prolific ad spammer at Chicagoland Property Group (“CPG”), a firm that we’ve called Craiglist’s worst apartment a [...]

Stephen Seitz, scofflaw leasing agent, Chicagoland Property Group
Chicagoland Property Group’s (“CPG”) Stephen Seitz had 706 repetitive apartment ads at Craigslist yesterday, a third-place tally at the firm we’ve [...]

Jon Zolecki, Chicagoland Property Group, Scofflaw Leasing Manager
With 1,134 ads, Jon Zolecki is the top dog of individual apartment ad spammers at Craigslist. He’s a standout at Chicagoland Property Group (“CPG” [...]

Will Collin Walker rein in Cassi, his scofflaw leasing agent sister?
We’ve previously published posts about the scofflaw behavior of Joi Walker and Kellen Walker, licensed leasing agents affiliated with Chicagoland [...]

Will Collin Walker rein in Kellen, his scofflaw leasing agent brother?
Early yesterday morning we published a post about the scofflaw behavior of Joi Walker, a licensed leasing agent affiliated with Chicagoland Proper [...]

Chicagoland Property Group’s Collin Walker and his scofflaw mom Joi
Under most circumstances a son can’t be held responsible for his mom’s behavior.
He can be, however, if he’s the sponsoring or managing broker [...]

Chicago rental service location lies, Collin Walker edition
Chicago neighborhood boundaries aren’t always etched in stone, so it’s fair to give real estate brokers a bit of latitude when they’re describing [...]

Chicagoland Property Group continues to lie in Craigslist apartment ads
Chicagoland Property Group (“CPG”) has been listed on YoChicago’s rental service do-not-call list for years, and is on the current list.
We’ve [...]

Does Chicagoland Property Group’s Collin Walker deliberately lie on Craigslist?
After having looked at many of Collin Walker's repetitive ads at Craigslist, my considered opinion is that his ads often contain deliberate lies.

River North apartment shootout – Chicagoland Property Group vs YoChicago
We like to think that YoChicago is Chicago's best free rental service. We're an objective, visually rich website with comprehensive apartment revi [...]

An update on Chicagoland Property Group’s spam-family Walker
In the coming months we'll be continuing our efforts to make it easier for you to identify and avoid some of Craiglist's worst apartment ad spamme [...]

Chicagoland Property Group makes Craigslist spam a family affair
We recently spotlighted Chicagoland Property Group's Collin Walker as one of Craigslist's worst apartment ad spammers. We also added a business li [...]
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