Tag: Craigslist Apartment Cleanup

Your weekly South Loop apartment rent update
In South Loop apartment news, buildings at 619-631 S LaSalle were recently acquired for conversion to 80 to 90 loft apartments. We'll keep you up [...]

See what’s for rent in River North
As of two days ago, site clearance was nearly complete for a proposed 216-unit apartment tower at 212 W Illinois.
If you're looking to rent an [...]

Your South Loop apartment search made easy
If you're looking to rent in the South Loop, you can see all of your managed apartment building options on YoChicago's South Loop availability lis [...]

The easiest way to find a River North apartment
We recently noted that JDL Development had apparently begun work on a new 216-unit apartment tower and that Smithfield Properties had gained Plan [...]

An up-to-date South Loop apartment availability list
Chicago Real Estate Daily is reporting that American Invsco has emerged as the winning bidder for a package of properties that includes The Lex, a [...]

An up-to-date River North apartment list
If you're looking to rent an apartment in River North, you can see all of your managed apartment building options on YoChicago's availability list [...]

An at-a-glance list of what’s for rent in the South Loop
Three-bedroom apartments, if you've been scanning this feature from week to week, have been unavailable before now. Several 3-bedrooms just hit th [...]

River North apartment rents on an at-a-glance list
If you're looking to rent an apartment in River North, you can see all of your managed apartment building options on YoChicago's availability list [...]

South Loop apartments, rents – an at-a-glance list
If you're looking to rent in the South Loop, you can see all of your managed apartment building options on YoChicago's South Loop availability lis [...]

River North apartment rents, an at-a-glance list
The website for the apartments at 757 N Orleans, a condo building where a block of units had been for rent, is no longer active. We've removed the bui [...]

An at-a-glance list of South Loop apartments, rents
The big news in South Loop apartments this week is the scarcity of two-bedroom apartments. A number of buildings have only one available, or none [...]

An at-a-glance list of available River North apartments
If you want to rent an apartment in River North, you can see all of your managed apartment building options on YoChicago's availability list, belo [...]

An at-a-glance list of available South Loop rentals
If you want to rent in the South Loop, you can see all of your managed apartment building options on YoChicago's South Loop availability list, bel [...]

South Loop has few apartments available for immediate occupancy
It's week-old news by now that the city announced the sale of a parking lot at the southeast corner of 9th and State Streets. The property will be [...]

Your River North apartment search made easy
We've recently noted that two new River North rental towers, Hubbard Place and AMLI River North, now have websites with detailed information avail [...]

Your South Loop apartment search made simple
Construction is underway on AMLI Residential's new apartments at the southwest corner of Clark and Polk. The completed project will have 398 apar [...]

South Loop studios are scarce
If you're searching for a studio apartment in the South Loop, your options are limited. Only 6 of the buildings have studio units. One of the 6 ha [...]

What’s currently for rent in River North
The rental market in River North remains tight, with almost all of the buildings showing only a few available vacancies.
If you want to rent an [...]

River North’s One Superior Place joins the Craigslist Apartment Cleanup
The Craigslist Apartment Cleanup is an ongoing effort to make Craigslist, Trulia, Zillow and other websites useful for renters by suppressing ille [...]

An at-a-glance list of South Loop rentals
If you want to rent in the South Loop, you can see all of your managed apartment building options on YoChicago's South Loop availability list, bel [...]