Tag: Events

Beer, bands and food trucks at Holstein Park this Saturday
Holstein Park isn't one of Chicago's largest parks. At a mere 3 acres, it wouldn't meet the minimum lot size requirement in many a Chicago subdivi [...]

Tour nine modern homes in Chicago and suburbs this Saturday
The modern home tour showcases the interiors and exteriors of seven Chicago homes and one each in Inverness and Hinsdale. The homes will be open t [...]

Dedicating the Fifield Family Bridge at Children’s Hospital
The new Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital building is just two days away from its long-awaited opening. The philanthropic generosity and t [...]

Quote of the day: Pilsen’s Bohemian builders and Mexican preservationists
The Pilsen Historic District is bounded roughly on the east and west by Halsted St (800 W) and Western Ave (2400 W), on the south by Cermak Rd (22 [...]
Cicero’s latest Gang problem
Cicero hasn't always had a source of pride readily at hand, so when the town recently went 14 months without a street-gang related killing, Larry [...]

CPAH needs 25 Robin Hoods in Sherwood Forest
You can play a part in doing something about Chicago's growing shortage of affordable housing, and play Robin Hood to a family earning less than 8 [...]

Chicago condo expo at Navy Pier next week
If you're an officer or director of a condo, co-op or homeowners' association in the Chicago area you'll want to check in next Wednesday at Navy P [...]
View the Lurie Garden with Piet Oudolf
Saturday, September 17, marks the first annual Lurie Garden Fall Festival and Plant Sale, from 10 to 3. Tours of the garden will be available alon [...]

The North Shore’s best July 4 parade – Evanston
The 4th of July parade has long been a big deal in Evanston, and this year's event is expected to be no exception, with about 140 groups expected [...]

Fifty-eight years in a Lake Shore Drive high-rise
I stopped for a brief visit at Planned Property's resident appreciation party – the "luau on the lake."
The highlight of my visit was meeting L [...]

Do you have an uglier Hawaiian shirt?
If you do, and if you rent from Planned Property, you can win a credit toward your next month's rent.
Planned Property Management, one of our [...]
Hurry, tell the brokers – it’s nationwide open house weekend
The National Association of Realtors is promoting Nationwide Open House Weekend this Saturday and Sunday, June 4 and 5.
I don’t have hard data to b [...]

Walk Wright into eight Oak Park homes next month
Even if you aren't in the market for one of the five Frank Lloyd Wright-designed homes currently for sale in the suburbs, you still might be interes [...]

Mill Creek readies annual neighborhood garage sale
Yesterday the folks at Shodeen Residential told us they'll be participating in the upcoming Mill Creek Neighborhood Garage Sale, an annual event h [...]

Yet another foreclosure scam?
An agent forwarded me an email touting an upcoming event promoted by the “US Foreclosure Institute” which shares an office with the “US Foreclosur [...]

Grab your greens, find some fruit every weekend, just steps from Grand Bend
Last month I asked Grand Bend at Green Bay sales manager Andy Kiener about the kinds of community activities a buyer could find near his Evanston co [...]

Lake Park Crescent to showcase new prices during the Lake Meadows Art Fair
Visit the Lake Park Crescent booth at this weekend's Lake Meadows Art Fair and learn all about the new deals offered at Draper and Kramer's new comm [...]

One home ready for immediate delivery at John Hall's Reserve of St Charles
Buyers and brokers looking to make a deal before the April 30 tax credit deadline can tour a newly constructed single-family home at John Hall Homes [...]
Chicago Association of Realtors schedules "Heroes Welcome Home" seminars to help returning troops
The Chicago Association of Realtors has scheduled a two-day "Heroes Welcome Home" program for next month that will teach Realtors how to address the h [...]

It's cruise season on the Chicago River
We normally don't promote a lot of "go-and-do" events around the city, but in this case I'll make an exception. The Chicago Architecture Foundation [...]