Tag: Lynn Becker

An updated look at Optima Center and 435 North Park
Early yesterday afternoon I visited Streeterville for a look at two major apartment projects underway in the neighborhood.
Drilling of the cais [...]

Quote of the day – a Bermuda triangle of lost opportunity
Architecture critic Lynn Becker's recent post on what he calls the "Viaduct District" is a goodie bag of memorable phrases and provocative perspec [...]

Pre-leasing underway at Randolph Tower in the Loop
Randolph Tower, at 188 W Randolph St, is undergoing a conversion from office to residential use, with occupancy expected in the first quarter of next [...]
Jeanne Gang – The sky’s the limit
A hat tip to architecture critic Lynn Becker for alerting us to this captivating introduction to Jeanne Gang, the magnetic starchitect who's [...]

Watch a studio makeover at Marina City
Marina City Online just added a 2004 episode of HGTV's New Spaces show to its YouTube channel. The two-part video showcases the makeover of a stud [...]

Quote of the day – the urbanism of exhaustion
Architecture critic Lynn Becker is not pleased with 42nd Ward Ald. Brendan Reilly's proposal for the triangular park at Chestnut, Rush and Wabash. [...]
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