Tag: North lakefront

MLS-listed north lakefront rentals, ups and downs
The number of homes, apartments and condos currently listed for rent in the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) stands at 729 in ZIP Codes 6061 [...]

Where Chicago’s 25- to 34-year olds cluster
According to 2010 US Census data, 25- to 34-year olds accounted for 13.4% of the nation's population and 17.97% of the City of Chicago's. That tra [...]

Available MLS-listed rentals at a high on North Lakefront
As of late yesterday there were 832 homes and condos listed for rent in local Multiple Listing Service in ZIP Codes 60614, 60657, 60613, 60640, 60 [...]

North lakefront rental inventory dips
The number of homes and condos listed for rent in the MLS in six north lakefront ZIP Codes had been trending steadily upward, from 542 in mid-June [...]

MLS-listed north lakefront rentals hit another high
A year ago at this time there were 494 MLS-listed homes and condos available for rent in ZIP Codes 60614, 60657, 60613, 60640, 60660 and 60626. Th [...]

Will you be living in a lakefront NORC?
The New York Times recently focused on the changes that changing demographics have wrought in some Upper West Side buildings:
When the co-op co [...]

MLS-listed north lakefront rentals more plentiful, renting quickly
The number of homes, apartments and condos listed for rent in the MLS in six north lakefront ZIP codes is up 17% over the past two weeks to 567, the h [...]
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