Tag: Sheridan Park
The after-party hangover at Sheridan Park’s Dover Courts
More than six years ago I wandered into a "developer close-out" party at Dover Courts, 4601-17 N Dover in the Sheridan Park neighborhood in Uptown [...]
Apartments in Buena Park, Ravenswood, Sheridan Park or just Uptown?
Buena Park, just north of Lake View and west of Lincoln Park, is one of the more desirable parts of the Uptown community, so it's natural that an [...]
The Sheridan Park 6-flats, built to look like mansions
The 6-flat has long been one of Chicago's most popular housing types – so popular, in fact, that you can find very few in lakefront neighborhoods [...]
Sheridan Park (mostly) open house gallery
Uptown Update has a list of 13 condos that are part of a coordinated open house effort this coming Sunday, September 11. The units range in size f [...]
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