
Terror towers: What’s wrong with 2000 Lincoln Park West?

2000 Lincoln Park West, Chicago2000 Lincoln Park West may benefit from some beautiful views, but the numbers there sure aren’t pretty.

Homes that sold for $446 a square foot in 2005 are back on the market at $227 a square foot. An 11th-floor two-bedroom / two-bath with 1,700 square feet that sold for $732,000 is now available for $383,000. Studios that sold in the $200s and $300s are now priced below $100,000.

Eight of the 15 active listings in the building are flagged as short sales at Redfin, and at least 14 units in the building have gone into foreclosure in the past two years, according to Blockshopper.

At least one listing says that due to a high percentage of rentals in the building, purchases can only be made with cash or portfolio loans. The only rentals currently listed on the MLS are one-bedrooms listed at $1,625 and $1,895.

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