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The Buddhists are coming (to save Ravenswood landmark)!

Masonic Temple

It’s a subtle change on a structure that has stood for more than 100 years, but the new name on the front of what’s been commonly known as the Paul Revere Masonic Temple spells salvation for a Ravenswood landmark. The new name on the front of the building, at 1501 W Wilson Ave, is Truc Lam Temple. The Buddhist congregation closed on the property in February and plans to renovate the ailing 19th century structure.

Add another colorful chapter to the building’s already colorful history — private residence, community club, masonic lodge and now Buddhist temple. The new owners are almost certainly saving this slice of history, which was named to Preservation Chicago’s watch list for most endangered historic strucutres, from the wrecking ball. The congregation will turn the space into a meeting hall and community center.

It’s not clear how neighborhood parking might be affected, but it’s a small miracle that a group with the means and will to save this building stepped up to the plate. Somewhere Paul Revere is smiling.

Masonic Temple

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