The changing face of Pilsen

It’s been a while since we’ve taken a look at Pilsen, but Chicago Public Radio has been there in the meantime. Take a look. Hat tip to CATO-TV for alerting us to this on our YouTube channel.

Google’s search relevance algorithms apparently have their own take on Pilsen. Immediately after I posted this note Google AdSense began serving up a display ad on this site with the headline “About Asthma – Find Asthma Resources.” As the content of the site changes, you may or may not see that ad. You can visit PERRO for an update on the coal-fired generating plant in Pilsen and its effects on the community.

Our first posts on Chicago’s North Shore a while back elicited a flurry of diet and cosmetic surgery clinic ads from Google. Thanks, Google, for supplementing our info with some of yours.

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