
The dish on Logan Square’s Flexhouse2

Ranquist Development has a well-earned reputation for building in a distinctive architectural style. At Flexhouse2 in Logan Square Ranquist has teamed Sedgwick Investments and with award-winning, Philadelphia-based ISA Architecture.

Phase I of Flexhouse2, 2630 N Ridgeway in Logan Square, is at the pre-drywall stage and a third of the units have already been sold.

The 3-bedroom homes have open, flexible spaces, master suites with huge closets and a true spa-quality bath, and pre-construction opportunities for buyers to customize.

One of the more distinctive features of the homes is a back yard that extends 49 feet toward a 2-car garage.

Join several of the buyers, a broker and a builder to see their take on Flexhouse2 in the video.

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