
The views from the West Loop

The Loop at dusk, viewed through the lens of Michael Kardas.

The West Loop doesn’t rank high on the list of downtown Chicago neighborhoods with great views, but it’s not at the bottom of the list either. One of the factors brings the West Loop down on the view scale is also one of its advantages: proximity to the Loop. Another, of course, is the relative scarcity of high-rise buildings. The West Loop also lacks views of the lake and of any of Chicago’s great parks.

A view from the roof of Van Buren Lofts, 1224 W Van Buren St.

A view south from a top-floor balcony at Van Buren Lofts.

The view from the terrace of a West Loop restaurant.

Views from a balcony at CA23, 23 N Aberdeen.

An aerial view of the West Loop, by Michael Kardas.

Views from R+D659, 659 W Randolph St. Alta at K Station is under construction, and construction has not yet begun on K2 at K Station in this March, 2009 photo.

The views from a 9th floor unit at Emerald, 125 S Green St.

You’ll find many more Chicago vistas in YoChicago’s Flickr albums, in our videos at YouTube, and in earlier posts.

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