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Tour historic Crilly Court with Edgar, Erminnie, Eugenie and Isabelle

Crilly Court Crilly Court

Crilly Court Crilly Court

It ain’t a big area, but like the one outside Bermuda, Old Town’s Triangle is larger than life. Old Town Triangle day is officially over at the Yo, but we didn’t get through half the stuff we would have liked to dish on the neighborhood. For instance, we’d planned on giving away a free YoChicago tee shirt to the first person to identify where the names above the apartment building entrances pictured here originated. We’ll still send a shirt to the first person to click on “Comments” below with the correct answer (we’re good like that), and we’ll even give you a hint.

The entrances are located on Crilly Court, a historic half-block north of Eugenie Street tucked away between Wells Street and North Park Avenue. The apartment buildings on the east side of the street were built in 1895 and a conversion of the properties to condominiums recently sold out. In addition to the four buildings on Crilly, the condo conversion included a classic block-long building with ground-floor retail on Wells Street. Extra points for anyone who can tell us why Crilly Court figures prominently in the history of gay civil rights.

Extra extra points for anyone who can name two comedic legends – one living, one deceased – who lived in the Crilly Court apartments.

We have it on good authority, by the way, that “Erminnie” is making a comeback as a girl’s name in greater Lincoln Park.

1700 block of North Wells Street

Stone rowhomes on west side of Crilly Court

Stone rowhomes on west side of Crilly Court Stone rowhomes on west side of Crilly Court

Crilly Court Condominiums

Stone rowhomes on west side of Crilly Court Stone rowhomes on west side of Crilly Court

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