
Tour Ravenswood by bike with Eric Rojas

We won’t have the chance to join Rubloff agent and Yo contributor Eric Rojas on his weekend bike tour of Ravenswood, but that doesn’t mean you can’t.

Eric’s going to guide participants to and through 10 single-family homes in the Ravenswood area on Sunday afternoon. Buyers can register and pick up a map of locations from noon to 1 p.m. at The Perfect Cup, 4700 N Damen Ave, then bike with Eric to each home (or visit them at their own pace) between 1 and 4 p.m.

Homes on the tour will include:

Informal post-ride drinks will be served at The Rail Bar & Grill, 4709 N Damen Ave.

Participants can RSVP with Eric by calling 773-510-1597 or by e-mailing him at erojas@rubloff.com, although advance registration is not required.

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