
Visit Lower Wacker Drive in YoChicago’s 2,500th video

The complex multi-tiered roadways and decks east of Michigan Avenue between Millennium Park and the Chicago River are an engineering marvel.

Lower Wacker Drive, a part of that intricate grid, connects the New East Side neighborhood to I-90/94/294 via the recently completed Congress Parkway interchange.

Join me in the video for a rush-hour drive from the little-known and lightly-traveled Lower Beaubien Ct to the Kennedy Expressway. Part of the trip moves at near-expressway speeds, avoiding what would have otherwise been a crosstown crawl.

This is the 2,500th video that we’ve uploaded to our primary YouTube channel. We’ve taken you to far more Chicago places, shown you through more spaces, and introduced you to more local faces than any other source. You’ve responded by viewing our videos more than 3.5 million times. Thanks for watching.

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