
Walk to Wrigley Field from Lakeview’s new Halsted Flats

Lakeview’s new Halsted Flats apartments have a walk-to-Wrigley Field location with a view of the ballpark. Opening day is just over a month away, and apartments are available now.

Floor plans and near real-time rent and availability info for Halsted Flats’ studio, convertible, one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments can be accessed online. Available studios start at $1,820 and 2-bedroom, 2-baths at $3,033.

You can tour a 2-bedroom, 2-bath in the above video.

Halsted Flats has a full roster of amenities that includes a large landscaped outdoor pool deck with grilling stations, and a fitness center, resident lounge and demonstration kitchen adjacent to the deck.

Halsted Flats is pet-friendly and PetSmart is in the building. Whole Foods is a short block south at Halsted and Waveland.

Halsted Flats has on-site leasing, management and maintenance staff, and 24/7 door staff.

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