
Weak prices on homes featured during Beverly Week

Five years ago YoChicago headed south to Beverly and Morgan Park for an week-long look at the neighborhoods, most of which are treated as one by the Beverly Area Planning Association (BAPA). In keeping with its mission to preserve and promote the “Beverly Hills and Morgan Park community” as a culturally diverse “Village in the City” BAPA’s boundaries (pdf) exclude the almost all-Black part of Morgan Park east of Vincennes Ave. Apparently there’s a limit to how much cultural diversity a community needs.

You can find our posts by starting here and clicking the Previous Post / Next Post links at the bottom of each post until you run out of Beverly.

Our starting point, pictured above, was a 5-bedroom, 2-bath single-family home at 9544 S Damen Ave which was listed for sale for $549,000. It’s been on and off the market ever since, most recently at $259,000, and is currently under contract. The home last sold for $318,000 in April of 2003.

We also looked in on a Rudolph Boehm house, which was offered for $497,000. It sold 18 months later for $433,500.

A 4-bedroom, 3 ½ bath bungalow with golf course frontage caught our eye, in part for the eye-catching list price of $789,000. It ultimately sold for $478,000 in January of 2009.

A 100-year-old “Victorian manor” at 10552 S Seeley Ave was listed for $1.35 million, failed to attract a buyer, and is currently not being marketed.

You can see much more of Beverly and Morgan Park at our neighborhood pages.

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