
Website touts a new rental concept in Chicago living

When you reach a certain age, it becomes very difficult to differentiate engaging from lame, so I’ll leave that task to you as you scroll down the new website for 805 N LaSalle. Eight O Five, you’ll learn, is a “new rental concept in Chicago living” at the intersection of:

  • love and meme
  • classic and modern
  • awe and shock
  • taboo and tatoo
  • ideal and real
  • new and now
  • As I progressed through that list I found myself stuck at the intersection of dumb and dumber, wondering who would move to a location that’s taboo or one that conjures a military doctrine aimed at destroying an enemy’s resistance.

    Do the pairs of abstractions resonate with you? Can you get past awe and shock without hearing the bombs burst over Baghdad?

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