
What’s up with Rogers Park at EveryBlock?

What’s not up, apparently, is the tone of the discussions about Rogers Park that take place at EveryBlock, and that has led to cries of censorship and allegations that individuals have been banned.

Rogers Parkers have a history of conducting contentious debates online, often lacing them with personal attacks. Four years ago in July I questioned whether Rogers Park deserved its bloggers.

I normally bristle at any suggestion that “the media” bears much responsibility for the state of the housing market, despite the all-too-frequent negative slants on housing stats.

When it comes to Rogers Park, however, I’m inclined to sympathize with the real estate professionals who contend that some of the neighborhood bloggers are an unwarranted drag on property values, sales and rentals. Rogers Park has undeniable issues but, if some its bloggers are to be believed, it has no redeeming qualities.

My post provoked a lively discussion in our comments.

I’ll rephrase the question I framed years ago: does the tenor of online conversations about Rogers Park reflect the quality of life in Rogers Park?

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