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Why the children of St. Ben's will inherit Chicago

Is it just me, or is anyone else surprised that single-family homes are now selling from $1 million in St. Ben’s?

Centrum Properties has just announced the grand opening of Bradley Place 2, a collection of 24 five-bedroom single-family homes. What kind of prices did the prequel development fetch?

Yes, the homes are gi-normous, and I don’t mean to diss St. Ben’s, which is a perfectly nice neighborhood, it’s just that home prices are getting that scary, gated-community feel to them in areas that aren’t even especially close to the lake.

Must be the magnetic pull of the nearby Alexander Graham Bell Elementary School, which is invoked on real estate billboards for all developments that fall within its orbit (and probably a few that don’t.)

Isn’t it nice to know that the U.S. has a class system where the kids of rich people get to go to the public schools with the best test scores. Must be the envy of Britain.

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