
Why YoChicago is your best Streeterville apartment source

There are only 16 apartment complexes in Chicago’s Streeterville neighborhood and you’ll find all of them on YoChicago’s at-a-glance list. The list gives you a snapshot of the types of apartments in each building, the building’s pet policy, and whether it has in-unit washer / dryers, a pool and on-site parking.

YoChicago’s at-a-glance list links to near real-time rent and availability info at the building websites and video tours, where available. Our list also links to our richly visual, objective apartment reviews which link in turn to each building’s website. We also offer our take on the best buildings in Streeterville on each of 18 different criteria.

Using YoChicago’s lists you should be able, in a very short time, to determine which buildings you want to visit. You’re likely to find that they’re all within a few minutes’ walk of each other and have on-site leasing staff and convenient office hours.

If you’re relocating to Chicago from out of town you can be relatively comfortable in renting “sight unseen” at any of the buildings on our Streeterville list. They’re all well-maintained, and professionally managed by reputable companies. There’s no guarantee that you’ll have a positive experience, but the odds are heavily in your favor. You might also consider a short-term furnished rental in one of the buildings where that option is available. Links to short-term rental options, where available, are included in our building reviews.

If you’re considering using a rental service / apartment finder / apartment locator to look at Streeterville apartments there are some important things you need to know. One of the most important is that not all of the buildings in Streeterville cooperate with rental services, and some of them may be paying above or below-market commissions to the rental services at the time you’re looking. The bottom line: you won’t be shown everything, and you’re likely to be given a biased take on what you are shown.

The rental service commission is typically a month’s rent, paid by the building. If you decide to use a rental service, we strongly recommend that you narrow your options to a few buildings and negotiate a rebate of part of the brokerage commission. The notion that the service is free is economic nonsense, and you’re free to determine whether it’s worth a full month-s rent or more.

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