
Wilmette Christmas lights and holiday cheer

Two years ago the Maris home at 1200 Cleveland in Wilmette boasted more than 50,000 lights computer-controlled by more than 300 channels.

This year, according to Meg Maris, there may be 90,000 lights. Or there may be 60,000 if Steve Maris were counting.

Whatever the count, there are more than enough lights to dazzle and delight and justify a trip to Wilmette.

For a very different Christmas experience, stop by the 2000 block of Wilmette Ave for a look at the Warren A. Perkins Memorial Christmas Display, which dates to the 1940s.

Wherever you happen to be and whatever holiday you might be celebrating, we wish it’s your best ever, that your next one is better still, and that you’ve shared some of your good fortune with a favored charity.

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