
Woodlawn – throwing good money after bad?

The Tribune brings us yet another chapter in the decades-long saga of initiatives to revitalize Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood.

Woodlawn has long been a national poster child for stunningly certain ways to squander hundreds of millions of dollars of public and private funds under the guise of “neighborhood revitalization” and “community development.”

Private developers and home buyers lost a great deal of money in Woodlawn during the last decade, as anyone can see from even a cursory glance at listings of homes and condos for sale in that neighborhood.

Is the City merely leading lambs to slaughter by subsidizing home purchases in Woodlawn and Pullman? To whose benefit?

The above video is part of a year-ago walk through a part of East Woodlawn near the home of the “Woodlawn Wonder,” author of the I Hate My Developer blog at ChicagoNow.

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