YoChicago advertising programs for 2024

YoChicago publishes a large and growing collection of Reviews of mid-sized and larger apartment communities. Each review offers renters a visually-rich, objective look at a community’s apartments, amenities and location. Reviews frequently rank high in search results and are linked from our neighborhood lists and maps, which typically include every major apartment community in downtown neighborhoods.

YoChicago offers individual apartment communities the opportunity to sponsor their Review page. Sponsored video tours are featured on non-sponsored pages.

Apartment video/photo tours. Videos are high-res walk-throughs of an individual apartment narrated by YoChicago or community staff. They’re posted to YouTube, featured on Review pages, linked from our neighborhood guides and maps, and from other editorial features.

Our photos focus on giving renters a clear idea of the layout and flow of the apartment.

See 100s of video tours at our neighborhood guides, linked in the right column.

Sponsored posts at YoChicago reach renters directly with visually-rich, up-to-date content and a link to your website and availability info. Posts enhance your position with search engines and are featured on our Facebook pages, our Google+ site and in our Twitter feed.

Roundup posts feature multiple advertisers in a single post focused on a common theme.

Chicago’s best landlords is one of the most-viewed pages at YoChicago. We pre-screen our advertisers, visit their communities and recommend them to our visitors at our list of Chicago’s best landlords.

One of YoChicago’s most popular features is Chicago apartment deals, a periodically updated spreadsheet grid listing advertiser communities, links to their websites and availability checks, and a summary statement of their current special offers (if any).

Video on non-advertiser pages. We feature advertiser-sponsored YoChicago videos in the right column of the Review pages for non-advertiser communities.

Amenities clips are 15-second (or less) high-res community-branded video pans of individual community amenities. They’re a great way to showcase your amenities at Instagram, Facebook and more.

Neighborhood photos are a must-have for social media programs. YoChicago has accumulated a large archive of high-res neighborhood images over the years and is making an ever-growing number of them available to our advertisers at Dropbox. No photo credits are required when you use them.

Custom programs

If you’re an owner/manager with an eclectic mix of communities, we can craft a custom program to suit your needs.

Add-on pricing is available to advertisers for features that are not included in their base program:

  • Sponsored posts – Four for $699
  • Walk-through videos – Three for $899; five for $1,399
  • Amenities clips – Five for $499

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