
YoChicago’s April stats

YoChicago reached 47,312 unique visitors during the month of April, and served up over 900,000 page views. Our visitor count was up 53% over last April, when we had 30,859 unique visitors.

Videos at our primary YouTube channel were viewed 59,993 times in April, up 59% from last April’s 37,822 views.

Flickr’s statistical reporting is not as robust: we had to add daily counts to know that our photos there were viewed 21,622 times during the last two weeks in April.

As of today, 619 people like YoChicago’s Facebook page. We have 1,079 Twitter followers and are on 50 Twitter lists.

You’ll see YoChicago’s presence in many other venues on the Web which we don’t track as carefully. We’ve been pleased, however, to see Google reporting that our at-a-glance apartment maps have been viewed more than 3,200 times since they were created several weeks ago.

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