
Yo’s South Loop apartment list on a map

View Apartments for rent in Fulton River District, Loop, New East Side, South Loop, University Village and West Loop in a larger map

We’ve heard your requests to add maps to our popular neighborhood apartment Guides, and we’ve listened.

The first map, above, lists every South Loop apartment rental complexes, including the two (Astoria Tower and Lexington Park) that were recently converted from condos.

The map points are color-coded to indicate when the complex was built. Each map point has a link to the building’s Web site, and its Yelp and Apartment Ratings reviews, if any. You’ll also see links to our comprehensive at-a-glance list of downtown, Lincoln Park and Lake View apartments.

Within the next few days we’ll update our South Loop rental Guide to add the map, and over the next few weeks we’ll add maps to all of the rental Guides.

The maps and the Guides are part of our ongoing effort (stay tuned for more) to make it easy and quick for you to find your first or next apartment without resorting to the rental services we call bedbugs.

If you like what we’re doing, pass a link to a friend. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Added: The map has been expanded to include the Loop / New East Side and Near West neighborhoods.

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