As of this morning Zach Gotkin at North Star Real Estate Group had 1,257 abusively repetitive ads online at Craigslist. Four days ago he had 1,602 ads at Craigslist.
We examined virtually all of Zach’s 670 ads for Edgewater apartments and couldn’t identify a single one as actually being in Edgewater. The three properties we could identify are all in Uptown.
A hundred ads for a “prime Edgewater location” in the “heart of Edgewater” illustrate the view from the Uptown Regency apartments, 5050 N Sheridan in Uptown. The property is managed by Horizon Realty Group, a group we’d strongly recommend you avoid.
Over 100 ads for another Edgewater property “steps away from … Loyola” illustrate a model apartment at 5051 N Kenmore, a property in Uptown managed by Flats Chicago. That’s another company we strongly recommend you avoid. As for “steps away,” divide your average stride into the 1.7 miles from 5051 N Kenmore to the south end of Loyola’s Rogers Park campus.
Gotkin has over 100 ads for other Horizon and Flats Chicago properties that are properly identified as located in Uptown.
Hundreds of additional Gotkin “Edgewater” ads contain photos from Somerset Place, 5009 N Sheridan, in Uptown. I haven’t been in the building since it’s been renovated. You can easily find attractive apartments in far more appealing locations at less than the quoted rents at Somerset Place.
The three properties identify their location as Uptown. Zach Gotkin is no rookie rental agent. He’s been a licensed real estate agent for nearly 8 years, so there can be no doubt that he’s deliberately lying about the location of the properties in these ads.
Zach Gotkin doesn’t use his full name in his Craigslist ads. If you’re unfortunate enough to call or meet Zach Gotkin, ask him how many apartments he’s been evicted from and whether he’s currently a named defendant in any fraud litigation.
We’ll send Zach Gotkin a link to this post and invite him to respond in a comment.
We’ve previously written about Michael Longo, a scofflaw leasing agent at North Star Real Estate Group you’ll want to avoid.
To avoid seeing any Craigslist apartment ads from this company, type the following into the search box: – “North Star Real Estate Group”.
Advice for renters
Renters need to be aware that the only sure way to avoid the risk of falling victim to a scofflaw rental service leasing agent is to avoid all Chicago rental services and work directly with properties. YoChicago’s apartment reviews and lists make it easy for you to find an apartment in sought-after lakefront neighborhoods.