Neighborhoods for the rest of us — Old Norwood Park

Old Norwood Park back yards

Curving tree-lined streets, gently rolling terrain, park-like yards, varied architecture, a sense of safety, stability and community, a strong institutional base, easy access to the Kennedy and Metra, some of the city’s better schools — the closer you look at Old Norwood Park, an idyllic National Register neighborhood, the more attractive it seems.

Old Norwood Park is part of Norwood Park, which is Community Area 10 of the city’s official 77 neighborhoods. Its boundaries are the Kennedy Expy to Northwest Hwy, and Northwest Hwy to Harlem Ave (7200 W), in ZIP code 60631.

See 120 photos of Old Norwood Park in YoChicago’s Flickr album, or view them as a slideshow. And, if you have a few hours to while away, you can sample over 5,000 YoChicago images of nearly 100 neighborhoods at Flickr.

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