Phase II of Logan Station under construction

Logan Station Phase II construction

Gathering information about a Paramount Homes development (Logan Station, Bucktown Station, Polk Street Station, basically anything with “Station” in the title) is no easy task.

Because Paramount still advertises its stalled developments (Grand Station), and others are marketed under several different names (Bucktown Station / Bucktown Point, Row Houses of Printers Row / Polk Street Station), I always have a difficult time telling which is which and whether they’re actually going to go up.

Logan Station is unique in that, to the best of my knowledge, it has only ever had one name, and, as evidenced in the construction photo above, it appears to be going forward. However, the sign at the construction site lists a different phone number than the one on the Web site, and neither of the calls I placed to either number have yet been returned. I hate to think what it must be like to try to get a showing there.

Here’s what I was able to glean from Kevin Dembinsky‘s Century 21 Sussex & Reilly listings: Studios, one-bedrooms, two-bedroom-plus-dens, and three-bedroom duplexes will be offered in Logan Station’s second phase.

These don’t seem to be representative of the full range of condos offered at Logan Station, but I found listings for two 1,020 and 1,200 square-foot units with one bedroom and one bath priced in the $230s and the $260s and an 1,850 square-foot three-bedroom / 2.5-bath condo priced in the $440s. I’ll try to gather some more info on this development soon.

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Logan Station Phase II viewed from Milwaukee Avenue

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