Behold the wonder that is the live Spire-cam

Chicago Spire Webcam screencap

This is the view at noon today from the Chicago Spire Webcam that can be found at, a site run by @properties agent Victoria Carton. It’s the only active Spire Webcam that I was able to find with a Google search, and it’s updated every 30 minutes “during normal construction hours,” according to the site.

I’ll admit that it took me a few minutes to figure out in which direction the camera is pointed. My best guess is that the camera is positioned at 340 On the Park, or one of the other high-rises along Randolph Street in Magellan‘s New East Side mega-development, which is located across the river from the Spire site. If construction had moved forward, situating the camera that far away from the construction site might have looked pretty neat, because most of the 2,000-foot tower probably would have fit in the frame as it twisted skyward. Today, it’s just depressing.

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