Panoramic views from 1401 South State

1401 S State St, Chicago

1401 S State St, Chicago

1401 S State St, Chicago

Here are a couple panoramic views from a penthouse unit and the outdoor terrace at 1401 South State, a rental high-rise Joe and I visited last week. On a clear, sunny day (unlike the one we had), this building could have some pretty sweet views of the lake. It’s also just a couple deep Jay Cutler passes away from Soldier Field.

To the right is a shot of the 22-story tower, and below are some interior views of the units. Like many of the South Loop loft-style condos, this one has exposed concrete floors and ceilings. The style may be off-putting for some, but the finishing of the floors was well done, giving it a cozier vibe than meets the eye. If nothing else, the floors will make cleaning really easy.

This building is about 80 percent leased, and has less than a half-dozen two-bedroom units left priced from $2,085 to $3,025.

1401 S State St, Chicago 1401 S State St, Chicago

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