
A Winnetka home with the look of a Zook

Although I’d been past it 100s of times I never paid attention to the home at 1487 Tower Rd in Winnetka. It caught my eye yesterday, and I instantly thought “it has the look of a Zook.”

Homes designed by R. Harold Zook are a familiar sight in Hinsdale, where 31 of them were built and many survive.

Two months ago I posted on a probable-Zook I’d passed in Western Springs, and quoted a Tribune article on the distinctive features of a Zook-designed home. The Tower Rd home exhibits several of those features.

An Internet search turns up no references to Zook homes in Winnetka.

According to public records, the Tower Rd home was built in 1929, the year after the opening of Zook’s art deco Pickwick Theatre in Park Ridge. The home sold for $812,500 in May of 2006, went into foreclosure two years later and resold for $480,000 in October 2009. At the time of resale it was questionably described as a “Swedish village style home.”

Whether or not the home is an authentic Zook, it’s more aptly described as a Cotswold Cottage, a style that’s also referred to as a “storybook house” or a “fairy tale home.”

Is anyone up for naming the architectural style of the home next door, pictured below, at 1479 Tower Rd?

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