
Chatham “battered but vibrant,” per the New York Times

The New York Times has taken a look, in print and in video, at Chatham, a neighborhood long considered by many to be the jewel of Chicago’s South Side. The Times’ piece is an informative follow-on to the series of articles the Sun-Times ran on Chatham 18 months ago.

Worlee Glover of the Concerned Citizens of Chatham reached out to us after the Sun-Times series. You can see part one of a 7-part video tour of Chatham with Worlee, above. You can meet more Chatham residents, including the great and late Dempsey Travis, at this YoChicago YouTube playlist. The best source we know to follow events in Chatham is The Sixth Ward blog.

If you’re unfamiliar with Chatham and looking for relatively affordable housing, we recommend a visit. For all the changes that are underway, it’s still a Chicago neighborhood worth considering.

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