Cleaner air coming to Pilsen?

The “dirty little secret” about Pilsen — the quality of the environment — may be about to get a little less dirty.

Gov. Blagojevich’s office announced today what it characterized as a “historic agreement” with Midwest Generation, the largest coal-fired power plant company in Illinois.

The agreement affects the Fisk plant, alleged to be a major source of airborne particulates in the Pilsen area, and holds out the hope of a dramatic reduction in emissions.

Guess Yo will have to scrap that “Turn out the lights, save a Mexican” headline we’d planned.

Aire mas limpio vendra a Pilsen?

El “pequeño secreto sucio" de Pilsen—la calidad de el medio ambiente—tal vez estara un poquito menos sucio.

La oficina de el gobernador Blagojevich anuncio hoy que lo que caracterizo come un “acuerdo historico" con Midwest Generation, la planta mas grande de carbon-quemado en Illinois.

El acuerdo afecta la Planta Fisk, presunto a ser el origen de particulos en el aire de el area de Pilsen, trae la esperanza de reducir las emisiones dramaticamente.

Tal vez Yo tendra que abandonar el titulo “Apagen las luces, salven a un Mexicano" que habiamos planeado.

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