Edgewater avenues home to more than just four-plus-ones

Winthrop and Kenmore avenues, Edgewater

Edgewater‘s Winthrop and Kenmore avenues may have four-plus-ones in spades, but the residential corridor really is a hodgepodge of eye-catching vintage apartment buildings with the occasional high-rise, single-family home, graystone and new-construction condos peppered in here and there. Like the four-plus-ones we saw yesterday, the condition of the older buildings varies– some look meticulously preserved while others are boarded up and shuttered. Here’s some of what this stretch of Edgewater has to offer, and you can see the rest over at Flickr.

Winthrop and Kenmore avenues, Edgewater

Winthrop and Kenmore avenues, Edgewater

Winthrop and Kenmore avenues, Edgewater

Winthrop and Kenmore avenues, Edgewater

Winthrop and Kenmore avenues, Edgewater Winthrop and Kenmore avenues, Edgewater

Winthrop and Kenmore avenues, Edgewater

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