Friday is Marycrest day

Marycrest back yards, Chicago

If you were dropped in the middle of Marycrest, and asked to guess where you were, you might venture Grayslake or Bloomingdale or Plainfield. There are few visual cues — apart from the low-flying jets — to associate it with Chicago’s southwest side.

Google Earth view of Marycrest, Chicago

Marycrest, with its fewer than 200 homes, is part of the Ashburn community, and spans the area from Kedzie Ave west to Central Ave, from 87th St north to 85th St. The northern part of Evergreen Cemetery and the Westport Commons shopping center form its southern boundary.

It’s a relatively affluent, racially-mixed neighborhood, built in the mid- to late 90s, housing just over 500 people with an average family income near $80,000. Home prices cluster in the mid-$300s.

The Metra’s Southwest line Ashburn station is a short walk from Marycrest, and 32-minutes from Union Station with just one intermediate stop. There’s a decent supply of educational, recreational and shopping facilities nearby.

See more of Yo’s Marycrest photos at Flickr, view them as a slide show, or take a leisurely drive through Marycrest at YouTube.

NOTE: thanks to IrishPirate for noting that the western boundary is Central Park Ave, not Central Ave.

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