How to find a great apartment in a terrific Lakeview East location

YoChicago carefully screens its advertisers. We only accept advertising from management companies that have a proven track record of offering quality apartments and dealing fairly with their residents.

We’re confident that renters are almost guaranteed a good experience when they rent from a YoChicago advertiser.

Four of our advertisers, Group Fox, Planned Property Management, Reside Living and Wirtz Residential, have dozens of renovated buildings with attractive apartments within a short walk of what’s about to become one of the hottest locations in Lakeview East, one of Chicago’s most vibrant neighborhoods.

Join us in the video for a look at the 3000 block of Broadway, where a new Mariano’s is slated to open at the end of August, 2016 on a miles-long strip of bars, restaurants, outdoor cafés and one-of-a-kind locally-owned shops.

You’ll love living in this location.

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